A vibrant visitor programme is essential for the vitality of the environment and have hosted over 900 visitors during the assessment period, approximately half of whom are from overseas. Several visitors have won competitively-awarded Benjamin Meaker Professorships, administered by the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Bristol, which enables overseas academics to spend extended research periods of up to 3 months in Bristol. Mathematicians who have received these visiting professorships include Farantos (Crete, 2014), Peyre, (Grenoble, 2016), Ungarish (Technion, 2017), Smith (Wellington, 2018), Bogomolny (Paris-Sud, 2018) and Martelli (IBM, 2018).
There are two further strategies for enabling mathematical collaborations:
The Heilbronn Institute Focused Research Grant scheme, for fostering adventurous and ambitious research between small groups of participants (18 events in Bristol).
The School established a Heilbronn Distinguished Visitor programme with dedicated schemes for Data Scientists (e.g. Priebes (Johns Hopkins); Samworth (Cambridge); Huggins (MIT)) and Pure Mathematics and Probability (e.g. Rudnick (Tel Aviv), Wise (McGill) and Soundararajan (Stanford)).