Overview: The School of Mathematics is open to engaging in collaborations with business and industrial partners. Our world-class mathematical research is exceptionally far-reaching and cross-disciplinary – driving innovation across a diverse range of areas including Aerospace, Defence and Marine, Information Technology, Communications.
Mathematical research has been shown to impact industries as diverse as defence, Engineering, Government, Finance, Tech, Security, Telecommunications, Water and many more.
Examples of collaborations:
- Innovate UK: Richard Porter was a co-investigator in a consortium involving including marine renewable specialists Mojo Maritime, Catapult ORE and DNV-GL to determine the potential for a Wave Energy Converter fitted with Witt Energy Ltd’s novel energy conversion mechanism. Porter’s expertise in the mathematical theory of energy extraction from ocean waves and enabled the assessment of the feasibility of their prototype for ocean deployment.
- Innovate UK: Montanaro collaborated in a Innovate-funded project with British Telecom, investigating applications of quantum algorithms in the telecommunications industry (2017).
- EPSRC IAA: Noah Linden is funded to build commercial collaborations in quantum technologies. EPSRC Hub in Quantum Computing and Simulation – QCS Hub Website
- Wessex Water: Rubin-Delanchy’s work with Wessex Water on leak detection.
- EDF (France): Wood and Fasiolo’s work with EDF (France) on the development of regression modelling tools focused for operational forecasting of grid load in France and elsewhere.
Industrial Collaboration and Studentship Programmes:
- Cyber Security MSc (eg. QinetiQ, BMT)
- Compass CDT Studentship
- Heilbronn Doctoral Partnership (fully funded studentships in mathematics)
- Data Science BSc (IBM, CheckRisk, Liverpool Victoria, , etc..)
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Engineering
As well as a 4-year PhD programme in Neural Dynamics funded by the Wellcome Trust, and the EPSRC-funded EngD in Systems Engineering. Several of the School PGs are co-supervised with colleagues in science and engineering, and current links with industrial partners include Liverpool Victoria, GCHQ, GSK, Wessex Water, Shell, Office for National Statistics & Atomic Weapons Establishment.
An increasing number of studentships are funded as CASE awards (e.g. 2 with IBM in 2020).